Demon Drawings, Vampires and Little Ghoulish DevilsWow! Don't you just love demon drawings? Their devilish intentions to do harm to lovely people, the beastly thoughts they always have towards other folk, stealing corpses from the grave? That is probably why they are drawn with a satanic look in their eyes. Of course you will find beautiful monsters (yep, it's an oxymoron I know) that love to prey on other humans—and even humans can be little demons who get up to their unhealthy and covert tricks to pull you down or make you feel you are in the middle of three weeks ago. It's demonic! Demons are pretty ugly things but their dress code could be in a smart business suit or a serpents outfit—a real serpent. Don't be fooled by the business suit because that is what the demon wants you to think. Remember the dude called Bernie Midoff who ripped off millions of nice people to the tune of billions, yes, billions! Nasty guy and he fits the picture of a real demon. ![]() Yeah, evil intentions start to flow from this dude inside this off-the-rack suit from Target. Okay, so we can get this demon drawn up in his well-pressed suit but we will give him a really nasty-looking head, maybe something like a gaping open wound with blood-red eyes? It has to be a groteque head otherwise it won't belong on these pages, it'll be on the front page of Vogue. We don't want that do we? The demon drawings here will not scare you but we will try and make them look really repulsive, maybe give you the shakes a bit? These are only drawings unlike photo-realism which can get to be scary. Kids seem to love scary things that is why Halloween is so popular among the younger set. You find some Halloween drawings on these pages if you hunt on the site page, they are not scary though, just there to help you draw to make your own drawings spooky. Demons you see in the movies can give you the creeps because a clever director builds up tension and then pounces with horrendous scenes and noises to match. You jump out of your seat with fear. Can't do that in demon drawings, I wish we could but we can make 'em really repulsive to get your imagination working overtime--and maybe get you to dream about them. Demon Drawings And Devilish Creatures![]()
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