Farm Animal Coloring Pages
If you think farm animal coloring pages are fun, you are not alone. A lot of kids like to color farm animals, but they are also fun to learn about. If you don't live in the country or close to animals, you may not really know a lot about the farm animals on these pages. You can learn more as you color.
Those Lovable Cool Cows we can't do without
What farm animal coloring pages would be complete without including the cow? This animal is the cornerstone of the barnyard and has some very important jobs! Cows makes milk, which is good for drinking, making yogurt and turning into different kinds of cheese. Cows are the source of all beef products, including hamburger. A cow is the name for the mother animal; the dad is called a bull and the baby is a calf.
All that lovely wool we get from sheep
Years ago, sheep were very important for their fur, which is called wool. It can be shaved off the animal and used to make yarn for clothes. People still use wool for yarn and clothes, but it is less popular than it used to be. Sheep also are good to eat and make a meat called mutton. A mother sheep is called a ewe; the father is a ram and the babies are lambs.
Give me a horse any day
Horses are hard workers on the farm! They have many jobs, but are always helpers to a hard-working farmer. Horses can pull heavy things. In fact, before there were tractors, horses were hooked to tools like plows so more work could be done. A horse is also fun to ride and can be used to round up, or gather, other farm animals. A mother horse is a mare, while the father is called a stallion; their baby is a colt.
Goats for healthy cheese
Do you see the goat on the farm animal coloring pages? These can be milked just like a cow. Some people think that their milk is more healthy and better for young children to drink. Goat's milk is also used to make cheeses. A baby goat is called a kid, just like you! The mothers are nannies and the fathers are billy goats.
Chickens are fun
A chicken is a fun farm animal to watch. If you let them out of their pen, they will scratch in the dirt and take dust baths. When it gets dark, they will always go back to their roost. Chickens are the farm animals that give us our breakfast eggs. During the spring and summer, a mature chicken can lay an egg every day! If they don't get collected, they might start sitting on them and hatch baby chicks. The mother chicken is known as a hen, while the father is a rooster. He's the one that crows each morning. Their babies are chicks.
No sweat for the Pigs
See that pig rolling around in the mud? Do you know why they do that? Pigs can't sweat, so they have to keep themselves cool somehow. The mud coating also protects the pig from sunburns. Pigs are where bacon, sausage and ham come from. Pigs makes milk to feed their babies, but people don't drink it. A baby pig is called a piglet, while the mother is a sow. The father pig is known as a boar.
There are many other animals on the farm animal coloring pages. Each has their own purpose and you can learn more about them. For example, dogs help to herd animals and a mother cat is called a queen. Ducks, turkeys and geese lay eggs just like a chicken does, but they are larger. Pick your favorite farm animal and write what you learn as you color.
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Farm Animals
Farm Animal Coloring Pages
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