Funny Cartoon Animals - With All the Fun!![]() Funny cartoon animals always seem to give me a smile or even a laugh. Most cartoons are created to make us smile and one of my most favorites is cartoon animals. Nearly all cartoons are based on normal everyday things that happen around us and these situations can be morphed into animal creatures of all types—be that mice, rabbits, dogs or whatever. Most cartoons are exaggerated in form and funny cartoon animals can come in any shape or size. I love to pull my own cartoon drawings in some digital software package to the extent they become quite unreal and not part of this world. Some of it can be really zany off-the-wall stuff and hilarious when you discover exactly what the original drawing looked like! There is an explosion of cartoons on the internet and a lot of these are created by very young children. They are SOoooo creative with no inhibitions about form or color as they draw Uncle Ben slopping soup about when he visited last weekend. There's a kind of brutal truth in so much of these kids drawings that can launch relatives into hyper-embarrassment. Poor old Uncle Ben, we love him though. So, to keep your children amused, ask them to create a few quick sketches of relatives which will give you a short break to bake. Or you can show them some of those really funny cartoon videos which you will find on these pages that will inspire them. How about morphing some of your animals?![]() Funny cartoon animals can be made by drawing an insect and then morphing in into a dog, this makes the dog look funny. So get out your sketch pad (or you can start coloring in from some of these pages) and draw any animal then make it look ridiculous but adding part of the form from another animal. For example, draw an elephant then change his head from some other animal—put a dog's head there. That's what we call morphing and it is useful if you are one of those crazy-funny people and have a great sense of humor. My dog Kiva is friends with my neighbors dog Zippy and Zippy has got the IQ of a turnip because her behavior can be regarded as completely nuts. She does the silliest things like going almost face-to-face with a squirrel, yelps and then does a 180 degree turn whilst barking and scurrying off. Kiva is now picking up this nonsense and chasing squirrels up the nearby pines and will not let up with her barking. So there are lots of funny animals around to get cartoon ideas from. | ![]() | |
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