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Elwood Cartoons by Bryley posted below
You'll see Elwood here misbehaving and doing silly things he shouldn't.
Go check him out.
So what kind of cartoons make people laugh out loud?
The everyday cartoons you see in the newspaper can be funny but they
will not get you rolling on the floor. Most folk like to see people in a
funny predicament, falling down, caught in an embarrassing situation, a
jab at a politician (like Jib-Jab), or just plain craziness.
The funny side of people
Online funny cartoons have been around for a long time and are gaining
in popularity. Recent cartoons of "Parrot-Palin" and similar clips of
politicians show the funny side of people even though they are greatly
exaggerated. The Wallace and Gromit animated cartoon was quite a
favorite a few years back but has been succeeded by Robot Chicken,
"1776" (part of the American Revolution) and similar 'cult' cartoon
sketches using 'green screen' technology.
Shall we make fun of the politicians?
Have you noticed how there is an abundance of political cartoons in the
daily and weekly newspapers as this past year was election year? Most
political newspaper cartoonists make fun of politicians in a satirical
way and these are called 'gags'. Do you know of any cartoon character
who has campaigned for a political office? State or Federal Government?
Wouldn't that be a hoot? Think of one, add a little spice and half merge
with a current politician and we'll have a winner. Think of a peanut,
think of a peanut farmer—morph the two and what do you come up with?
Get into your world of fantasy
Cartoons are simply sketches giving you, the viewer, funny ideas about a
person or thing. This funny stuff takes our minds off everyday things
and we momentarily go into the world of fantasy as we poke fun at
ourselves and others—especially politicians.
Who is your favorite politician?
So take a peek below at some of the links here to see if you can spot
any of your favorite politicians or other famous or infamous persons.
And if you like to try your hand at some very basic cartooning, there is
a page here on how to do it. It is very simple and you'll have fun
doing it.