Geometric Coloring Pages - Make Them Colorful
For Young or Old, Clever or Cool, Inspired or not Geometric coloring pages are very creative for emerging artists, even those very young kids from about 4 years of age will use these dynamic shapes and forms to enhance their aesthetic juices. Geometrics as well as abstract coloring pages, help the young child to create forms with color and, my personal opinion is, that abstract forms (as these geometric shapes are) don't form set ideas like so many other types of coloring-in pages and books. The basic shape of things All forms are of course made up of squares, rectangles, circles, ovals, triangles, spheres, pyramids and cones. Anything you see around you can fit into these basic shapes. If you half close your eyes (or squint) and look at the forms around you, (in the room where you are) you will see some of these very basic shapes appearing. Get one of your photographs and add a blur through a photo editing software and you will see the same thing. You can create great compositions Artists are trained to see things in their basic shapes and they will "see" forms in only three values (the lightness or darkness of a color). This helps to create great compositions and indicates to the artist where there is an imbalance of form—for example where there is too much dark or light on one side or the other. Value plays are far more important role than color; if you haven't got the correct value (balance) then any great color combo is not going to help. Basic geometric formula Some of the really well-known artists of yesteryear and today usually base their compositions on basic geometric formulas. One of these is called 'The Golden Triangle' which you will find in most of the well-known art museums—paintings by these old masters who have used these methods to achieve inspiring compositions. Got some patience? To construct a creative framework for painting or creating artwork for coloring in, the young artist has to become familiar with these very basic shapes. To "see" these shapes requires a little patience and a lot of practice but once mastered she or he can create just about anything by "seeing in one's mind." No restrictions please The first step is of course coloring geometric shapes and getting familiar with these basic forms. A child should not be restricted by the use of color in the early stages as color is a very subjective thing and learning how to see 'values' comes much later. The child should be able to use any color without any input from anyone, peers or parents. I have seen children being told to use only this color or that color. If the child "sees" a bright green sky then let it be so. And it will probably turn out quite creative. All children are creative until they become 'blinded' by peers or indoctrinated in some way that "It just don't look right!" We can't have that, can we? See the basic shapes in all things Let's have a look below for some of these basic shapes we've been talking about. Start off with just the basic square or rectangle, then the circle or oval. Become familiar with these shapes then look around you and "see" some of these basics in almost all the things you see visually. To print any of these geometric coloring pages; Click on one of these geometrics which will open up a new window for you with a much larger image you can then print out. Just press Ctrl+P or Command+P if you have a Mac. Here Are Your Free Geometric Coloring Pages  Geometric Forms  Geometric Fun  Geometric Forms  Geometric Square  Geometric Ellipse  Geometric Beat  Geometric Grace  Geometric Lines  Geometric Style  Geometric Form  Geometric Fun  Geometric Abstract Below are more geometric coloring pages and sheets Here are additional geometric coloring pages which are more towards the abstract - so there is a variety to choose from. Most of these styles are from ancient sources and those shown above are of Russian origin.If you have been to the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg you will see plenty of these geometric folklore styles from their friezes, jewelry and even in their rugs.  Geometric Forms  Geometric Fun  Geometric Forms  Geometric Square  Geometric Ellipse  Geometric Beat  Geometric Grace  Geometric Lines  Geometric Style  Geometric Form  Geometric Fun  Geometric Abstract