Halloween Coloring Sheets of These Beastly Creatures
Halloween Coloring Sheets With Creepy Bits Added
Well, it's not quite Halloween time yet but it will come around soon enough. Anyway we can have a Halloween night tomorrow or the day after or whenever it suits us. Right?
This is not really about Halloween Coloring Sheets which you will find lower down on this page, but about masks, scary masks, costumes and candy bars. To begin we'll have images of masks for you to color in, then a few costumes and we'll leave the candy for treats.
Take your masks up to the next level. Forget about the skulls and the illuminated pumpkins, they're old hat now. You want somethng daring and different, some grotesque mask to scare the pants off a raging bull. Tell me, what really makes a mask (or a face) scary?
Make Frankestein Reborn
You will see on these Halloween Coloring sheets a fellow called Frankenstein, you know, the dude who appears to have bolts in his head and those ugly stitches in his neck where the head has been sewn on. So color this in with a little red here and there to show blood seeping through as the surgery was a little slap-dash. That is not really scary so add some greenish color near the dripping blood and make it more frightening. Remember, in spooky colorings the eye sockets have to be darkish with a slight touch of a glow, but not too light.
The creepy half-human witches
Next you can color in some of the witches with their evil look. These half-human creatures drift around at night and have magical powers to further their evil ends. They can be extremely creepy. So what do you think makes a witch look terrifying? Again, she has to be darkish with sunken eyes, a large beak-like nose and warts all over her face. You can color in the warts in a sickly looking green and purple--almost as if they won't stop growing like a weed. She will have tattered brown-gray hair with bugs hopping around fighting each other to find a good spot. Her hat will be a very dark gray and tatty, she'll have a broomstick of course but not like Harry Potter's. Use your imagination with the coloring and see if you can make it more creepy.
Let's get creative with Ghouls and Goblins or...
Dracula has been overdone like the skulls and pumpkins, so what else can you think of that will be a little different and creative? There are ghouls and goblins, werewolves and bats. so what about devils. They can be pretty ugly with horns, a spiked tongue, fiery breath and a tail with a sting like a thousand scorpions.
Ghoulish Color Combinations
The usual color combination for Halloween is orange, a touch of yellow and black. Black is a 'dead' color and in itself is not the least bit scary. However, if you can introduce deep purples, dark gray-greens, yukky greens like slime, mix a little puss yellow, add this to black and you will have something bordering on creepy. Your coloring has to be mainly dark because evil and spooky things are not light, they're dark and scary.
So let's see what you can do with your creative magic in these Halloween Coloring Sheets, will they be a treat?
To print, select the image you like, click on it and a new window will open, then press Ctrl+P on your keyboard. Have Fun!
Halloween Coloring Sheets and Scary Halloween Clips Below

Happy Frankensein

Ghouls Brother

Mr Ghoul

Mr Hyperdermic

My Ghoulish Ways

Dancing Skeleton

Devil Mask

Brother Ghoul


Baby Ghouls

Invisible Man

Mr Creepy