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Learn How to Draw the Basics in Easy Steps

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Learn how to draw basics
If you have ever doodled on a piece of scrap paper or your shopping list and created a masterful piece of art, or scribbled on your telephone book and have always had the urge to draw something, then you probably would like to take it to the next level and learn how to draw?

You must have a passion for drawing
If you have a passion for drawing and do not know how to start then these online drawing basics will help you get on the road to become a professional.

If you are young you will find doing some of these basics easy but if you are getting on a bit in age, then it might be a bit more difficult to do. But you can still do it; although it might take a bit longer. As I say, if you have a passion for drawing and art you will find it easy to master no matter what your age. So learn how to draw with these basics.

The fast route to becoming a pro artist
One of my recommendations is for you to purchase Betty Edward's book titled "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" wherein you will find fabulous information on just how we normally view things, and a completely new way of seeing things.


You can actually become quite a master if you follow her techniques in a very short space of time. One of her initial lessons is to copy a photo or drawing but place the drawing upside down and copy it. So get a simple line drawing maybe a cartoon from a newspaper, and then get to work copying it upside down. Just try it, you will be amazed!

To draw in simple and creative ways
Look at a young child's drawing or painting and you will see pure creation in color, form and style. A young child draws with feeling or emotion and it really does not matter what the final outcome looks like. A young child does not look at an object or person and evaluates the tone (value) or color or even the form like a professional artist. No, the child looks once and then has an idea in her mind and she just starts to draw in very simple and creative ways. It is quite fascinating to see a child drawing—not only the drawing but the child's expressions. They can often go through a whole range of emotions and these emotions shine through in the drawing.

Visualize in your mind's eye
Of course you can draw to record what you see or what you can visualize in your mind?s eye. Did you know Picasso could draw and paint exceptionally well before he started to visualize things in his mind as did many other artists? They mastered the art of drawing first and then created masterpieces outside of reality—unlike the things you see around you in everyday life. Of course some of these drawings and paintings you see do sometimes have a touch of reality whether that is a landscape or something easily recognizable.

I will be adding a lot more information about the best ways to start off your drawing career so please bookmark this page or sign up for my weekly ezine. I have tons of information on drawing I'd like to share with you.

If you wish to start learning about drawing some basics on this website please go to some of these links. It is a start which I am sure you will find enjoyment from.

Learn How To Draw The Easy Way

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