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Opinions infuenced by parents

by Melissa

The kids get their opinions from all kind of sources which means every source is a dependent factor to a kid.

In case of television, watching movies, advertisements and getting information through television.They are trying to imitate these things, sometimes very well.

It may be good in the case of parents, the kids getting their first opinions from them. Without parents they can't mold their opinions or do much in their childhood.

They want the help of parents in each movement in their childhood. In childhood, the child wants to become a doctor, engineer etc. Some kids show mature opinions in their childhood noticed by parents and they give advice to them to do some helpful work around the house. Work can mean enjoyment.

My kids can't be bothered about politics and religion.They just follow me in their ways hopefully for the better.

They just want enjoyment throughout life.This is not possible because without eduction they can't do much with their life.

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