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Simple Fun

by Peek-a-Boo

I take pleasure in even the simplest things with my child. Anything can be fun with a good attitude. We'll go and try to catch snowflakes or have a tickle fight. We'll cook or cuddle or sing songs. We'll read book or watch a movie.

Bathtime is usually another fun time, as running away from me and streaking about the house while I try to chase her is an endless source of amusement.

We'll do more traditional fun things, like playing with toys and games and going to the park as well. Seeing my child running up and down the playground, swinging and going down the slides is almost as much fun for me as it is for her.

The best time we've had recently was just a simple game of peek-a-boo. She'd hide under her blanket in her crib and I'd wonder aloud about where she went. She'd giggle from under the blanket and then whip it off her head and scream “Surprise!” at me. I'd burst into giggles, which would cause her to giggle, which made me giggle more, which made her giggle more. No matter how many times we did it, it remained funny.

Those are the most fun times for me.

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