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Why Mum really loves me

by Kumar

When I was twelve I was studying stuff in standard 6.

One day there were exams going in my school, the exams were too difficult for me to write. My friend and I planned to get away from school to see a movie.

Soon after my mum got the results from school and asked about my absence for the one exam - the school reported I was absent for the day.

Then Mum asked about going absent from school, then I told her the reason so she severely grounded me for a long time. There was no family bonding at the movies or fair which made me quite upset.

Mum was quite upset in punishing me when we talked about it at mealtime, tears were gushing from her eyes, then I realized my mum truly loved me and I promised her that I'd never do that again. And so my friends, don't do any rubbish activities against your mum or dad or with any other people. Be cool always, it is more family then.


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